Thermal desorbers

6 companies | 7 products
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gas chromatography thermal desorber
gas chromatography thermal desorber

Thermal desorption (TD) is a versatile preconcentration technique for gas chromatography and GC/MS that combines sample preparation, extraction, and injection into a single automated process. It is used to analyze very ...

thermal desorber
thermal desorber

Thermal desorption (TD) uses heat and a flow of inert gas to desorb VOCs and SVOCs from sorbents or sample materials. Extracted vapours are swept onto an electrically-cooled sorbent-packed focusing trap, which is then ...

gas chromatography thermal desorber
gas chromatography thermal desorber
TD-30 Series

Revolutionary Thermal Desorption System Provides Excellent Processing Ability and Reliability The TD-30 was developed as the optimal solution for gas and materials analysis. Its outstanding processing ability and excellent ...

gas chromatography thermal desorber
gas chromatography thermal desorber

... to Use The SRI Thermal Desorber permits volatile and semi-volatile compounds in soil, or other solid matrices, to be injected and analyzed with little or no sample preparation, and with very high sensitivity. ...

gas chromatography thermal desorber
gas chromatography thermal desorber

The GERSTEL Thermal Desorption System TDS is a flexible multi-functional system for highly sensitive determination of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) that have been trapped on adsorbent tubes ...

See the other products
gas chromatography thermal desorber
gas chromatography thermal desorber

... isothermal oven Thermal desorber and auto sampler available This version is designed to analyze gaseous samples using a chromatographic switching valve to inject a sample loop volume. Thermal ...

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