Thermal transfer ribbons for the pharmaceutical industry

2 companies | 3 products
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wax-based thermal transfer ribbon
wax-based thermal transfer ribbon

SATO offers a comprehensive portfolio of thermal transfer ribbons which are specially designed to ensure optimum performance and are continuously tested to ensure maximum print performance ...

resin thermal transfer ribbon
resin thermal transfer ribbon

The AS2 is a superior (‘super’) resin ribbon ideal for applications needing exceptional heat, mechanical and chemical resistance. Printing on to a wide range of synthetic material, high gloss and matt ...

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TOSHIBA TEC Europe Retail Information Systems
resin thermal transfer ribbon
resin thermal transfer ribbon

Pure resin ribbon for flat headprinters. Suited to most synthetic label materials. Superior heat, mechanical  and chemical resistance.  For flat-head printers The AS2F is a superior (‘super’) ...

See the other products
TOSHIBA TEC Europe Retail Information Systems
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