Threaded female-to-female reducers

3 companies | 3 products
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hydraulic female-to-female reducer
hydraulic female-to-female reducer

Diameter: 8 mm - 50 mm
Length: 27 mm - 58 mm

FEMALE / FEMALE REDUCER (CASTING) - STAINLESS STEEL 316 (Model : 5254) Series 52 - Fittings and piping accessories

threaded female-to-female reducer
threaded female-to-female reducer

With the thread adapter made of high-quality stainless steel 1.4301 (304) a pump, a drain cock or any other connection with thread G 2" (Whitworth pipe thread) can be screwed onto a container with G 1 1/2" thread. The thread adapter ...

hydraulic female-to-female reducer
hydraulic female-to-female reducer
2013 series

Diameter: 0.13 in - 2 in

The 2013 series stainless steel reducer is constructed with lost wax molding mechanism. It works under 20 bar pressure rating, within 25 to 180 degrees Celsius temperature range. This reducer gear allows handling of all sorts of fluid ...

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