Three-phase cutting lines

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2 companies | 4 products
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fiber laser cutting line
fiber laser cutting line
GR-P Series

Cutting speed: 100 m/min
Laser power: 4,000 W - 6,000 W

... laser cutting automatic material library consists of a material storage system, an automatic loading and unloading system and a production line operation monitoring system. It can be equipped with 1-3 ...

laser cutting line
laser cutting line
GR-C Series

X travel: 1,500 mm
Y travel: 2,150 mm
Cutting speed: 100 m/min

The laser cutting automatic material library consists of a material storage system, an automatic loading and unloading system and a production line operation monitoring system. It can be equipped with ...

blade cutting line
blade cutting line

Y travel: 1,600 mm
Z travel: 100 mm
Maximum cutting height: 4 mm

SHEARING LINE Equip your production with a cutting-edge shearing solution that combines high performance, reliability, and energy efficiency. Designed for formats up to 1600 x 3000 mm, this line ...

laser cutting line
laser cutting line

X travel: 3,000 mm
Y travel: 1,600 mm
Z travel: 100 mm

The laser cutting module combines state-of-the-art technology with an optimized design to meet modern industrial demands. Its carbon frame ensures fast and precise movements while minimizing the weight of moving parts. Key ...

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