Thunderstorm detectors

4 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
thunderstorm detector
thunderstorm detector

Storm detection Lightning and thunderstorms are an unavoidable natural phenomenon that represent a serious threat to people, property and services. The usage of a local early alert expert system, both for electrical ...

thunderstorm detector
thunderstorm detector

Description StorMonitor provides to users useful storm detection alert information in a detection radius up to 15 km which may be directly or indirectly dangerous to persons, equipment and to the environment. On average, these alarms ...

thunderstorm detector
thunderstorm detector

Precision electric field sensor for thunderstorms prediction, detection and early alerts generation. Atmospheric electrical discharges during thunderstorms are responsible for a considerable number ...

thunderstorm detector
thunderstorm detector

The BTD-300 Thunderstorm Detector is a standalone sensor that reliably detects the presence of all forms of lightning to a range of 83km. Biral’s BTD-300 Thunderstorm Detector ...

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thunderstorm detector
thunderstorm detector

The BTD-350 Thunderstorm Detector is a standalone sensor that reliably detects the presence of all forms of lightning to a range of 83km. The BTD-350 Thunderstorm Detector ...

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