Torque sensors for the automobile industry

4 companies | 8 products
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dynamic torque transducer
dynamic torque transducer
TM 300 series

Torque: 0.1 Nm - 10,000 Nm
Precision: 0.1 %
Rotational speed: 50,000 rpm

Magtrol’s In-Line Torque Transducers provide extremely accurate torque and speed measurement over a very broad range. Each model has an integrated conditioning electronic ...

reaction torque sensor
reaction torque sensor
RT 100 series

Torque: 200 Nm - 100,000 Nm
Precision: 0.05, 0.2 %
Overload limit: 0 % - 400 %

... 100 Series Reaction Torque Sensor has many favorable features. Based on strain-gauge technology, the RT Sensor provides highly accurate signal transmission. The RT 100 Series Torque ...

static torque sensor
static torque sensor

Torque: 0.2 Nm - 5,000 Nm
Rotational speed: 5,000 rpm

• Dual range sensor with two separately calibrated torque measuring ranges • Well suited for static and dynamic measurements with a cut-off frequency (–3 dB) 10 kHz • Very high accuracy thanks to linearity ...

static torque sensor
static torque sensor

Torque: 2 Nm - 5,000 Nm
Rotational speed: 50,000 rpm

• Dual range sensor with two freely selectable measuring ranges in 5% steps • Well suited for static and dynamic measurements with a cut-off frequency (–3 dB) 10 kHz • Very high accuracy thanks to linearity error including ...

digital torque transducer
digital torque transducer
RoaDyn P106

Torque: 600, 6,000 Nm

The wheel torque transducer RoaDyn P106 is used for measuring the traction torque My of cars and SUVs up to a maximum torque of ±6 kNm. It is designed for application ...

rotary torque transducer
rotary torque transducer

Torque: 0 Nm - 20 Nm
Precision: 0.15 %
Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 10,000 rpm

... power supply • High noise immunity due to amplified active signal • integrated sensor-detection chip for use with GMV2 analyzer Suitable for: • automotive industry • test benches • ...

rotary torque transducer
rotary torque transducer

Torque: 0 Nm - 5 Nm
Precision: 0.15 %
Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 10,000 rpm

Torque transducer with digital output "DRFDN" / "DRFDS" Particularly suitable for small screwing tools 4 torque range from ± 0 - 0,5 Nm to ± 0 - 5 Nm digital output Features Square ...

rotary torque sensor
rotary torque sensor

New for 2018 the Texense WTS (Wireless Torque Sensor) measures driveshaft or axle torque on racecar applications such as single seater and sports cars. The system includes: - WTS (Wireless ...

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