Trenching buckets

2 companies | 4 products
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trenching bucket
trenching bucket
Stec CB BC

Carrier weight: 6,000 kg - 50,000 kg
Bucket width: 30 cm - 70 cm
Capacity: 200 l - 1,400 l

See the other products
Stec Estonia OÜ
trenching bucket
trenching bucket
Stec CB GP

Carrier weight: 6,000 kg - 50,000 kg
Bucket width: 30 cm - 70 cm
Capacity: 200 l - 1,200 l

See the other products
Stec Estonia OÜ
trenching bucket
trenching bucket
Stec CB HD

Carrier weight: 6,000 kg - 50,000 kg
Bucket width: 30 cm - 70 cm
Capacity: 200 l - 1,200 l

See the other products
Stec Estonia OÜ
trenching bucket
trenching bucket

SF double way trenching bucket can help the operator excavate material and lay bedding stone in the same motion ,this will save time and money .Applicable to excavating around utilities easier and faster ...

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