Viscometer thermostatic baths

3 companies | 4 products
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digital display thermostatic bath
digital display thermostatic bath
CC-130A Visco 3

Temperature: 28 °C - 100 °C

... are suitable for measurement tasks using capillary viscometers or for use of densitometers. The devices offer the highest temperature stability for optimal temperature distribution in the thermostat bath. ...

digital display thermostatic bath
digital display thermostatic bath
CC-130A Visco 5

Temperature: 28 °C - 100 °C

... are suitable for measurement tasks using capillary viscometers or for use of densitometers. The devices offer the highest temperature stability for optimal temperature distribution in the thermostat bath. ...

viscometer thermostatic bath
viscometer thermostatic bath
+5 °C ... +95 °C, 25 l | J-BV08

... glass chamber, stainless steel plate cover is attached on backside and polycarbonate cover is attached on front side of glass bath.

stainless steel thermostatic bath
stainless steel thermostatic bath

Temperature: 5 °C - 100 °C

Precision Viscometer Bath “VB-1423” DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROL FROM AMBIENT +5 °C TO 100 °C. STABILITY ±0.1 °C. HOMOGENEITY ±0.1 °C. RESOLUTION 0.1 °C. FEATURES Temperature sensor; Pt100 thermo-resistor, ...

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