- Hydraulics - Pneumatics >
- Valve >
- Water valve
Water valves

The regulation system is the brain of a heating system and is decisive for comfort level and energy consumption. Frico offer a wide range of regulators to give the selection options depending on how advanced a solution one is looking ...

Pressure: 14 bar
Temperature: 49 °C
Flow rate: 5 ft³/min - 35 ft³/min
... By-Pass Valve you can service your system components and still use the system. The By-Pass Valve eliminates the expensive installation costs and space limitations of conventional three valve ...

DN: 25 mm - 200 mm
Pressure: 10 bar - 16 bar
HYDRANT GATE VALVE S58 Compact gate valve with rubber-covered self expanding split ring seal, suitable for frequent operation with turbid irrigation water. On-off valve ...
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