WiFi humidity and temperature sensors

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relative humidity and temperature sensor
relative humidity and temperature sensor

Measuring range (%): 0 % - 100 %
Precision: 0.01 %
Resolution: 0.01 %

SHT3x Humidity and Temperature Sensors  Protects the sensor from water and dust according to IP67  Allows for sensor use under harsh environmental ...

relative humidity and temperature sensor
relative humidity and temperature sensor

Measuring range (%): 0 % - 100 %
Resolution: 0.01 %
Measuring range (temperature): -40 °C - 125 °C

SHT3x-DIS Humidity and Temperature Sensor  Fully calibrated, linearized, and temperature compensated digital output  Wide supply voltage range, from 2.15 V to 5.5 ...

wall-mount humidity and temperature sensor
wall-mount humidity and temperature sensor

Measuring range (temperature): max 130.0 °C

Moisture probe for bulk solids measurement at high process temperatures Usage and applications Possible use can be for example at the controlling of drying processes or at the moisture ...

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