Wind turbine gantry cranes

4 companies | 5 products
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rubber-tired gantry crane
rubber-tired gantry crane
MST 120 - 31

Lift capacity: 120 t

... Straddle from Cimolai Technology SpA has a maximum capacity of 120 t. It is suitable for handling wind tower elements, and is useful for the wind turbine industry.

self-propelled gantry crane
self-propelled gantry crane

Lift capacity: 10 t - 500 t

The industrial automotive gantry cranes we offer at GH are a solution for may sectors and applications such as the prefabricated concrete industry, outdoor logistics depots, the wind ...

rubber-tired gantry crane
rubber-tired gantry crane

Lift capacity: 40 t

INDUSTRY AND CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS MACHINES ON TIRES Custom machines designed on the customer specific needs, working methods and enviroment. Tipically hydrostatic, hybrid or fully electric with battery pack. Electric Mobilift ...

mobile gantry crane
mobile gantry crane
Mobilift 55

Lift capacity: 55 t

self-propelled gantry crane
self-propelled gantry crane

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