We offer sampling systems for different purposes:
Passive sampler
Active sampler
Litter sampler
Plankton sampler
Passive sampler
The -4H-Passive Sampler is a flow-through tube array, which can be equipped with different receiving membranes (e.g. diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT), low-density polyethylene or silicone rubber strips).
Active sampler
The -4H-Active Sampler is a specially designed flow-through tube array that includes a set of sieves (litter) or nets (plankton) with different mesh sizes.
Both system principles can be combined in one array for simultaneous active and passive sampling.
The tubes can be cascaded from one up to an arbitrary number according to the customer needs. They are flushed with sea water through a separate water system or the outlet of the -4H-FerryBox water system. The -4H-Active/Passive Sampler is controlled by the ‑4H‑FerryBox PC or a stand-alone PC.
Software controlled sampling modes:
Sampling over a fixed time period
Start in and stop outside a selected area (GPS position control)
Stop when nets/filters are full or blocked (water level detection)
Stop after a defined volume (for example 18,000 liters)
No sampling, e.g. in dirty harbor areas (GPS position control)
Information of sampling volume in every operational mode available