The technique of on-farm/small-scale cheese making is varied. We understand ourselfs in planning and supplying complete small-scale cheese making equipments – always meeting EU standards.
With the step towards an on-farm/small-scale cheese making, a better value can be achieved and this on the own business. Thus, the own business becomes more independent from dairies and the world market and the increasing demand for regional products can be optimally served. Among the special advantages are the principle of short distances and the feasibility of your own vision of product quality. In short: you have it back in your own hands.
Interesting, flexible Solutions
In addition to the flow pasteurizer, we offer batch pasteurizers as an economic alternative for the processing of small volumes of milk. These are multipurpose boilers, which can be used to pasteurize milk as well as to make yoghurt and cheese products. We recommend this alternative for the processing of 500 l of liquid milk, and up to 1,500 l milk for milk-based products. Our batch pasteurizer vat comes in different sizes and –according to customers needs– it can be heated with steam, hot water or electric resistance.
A·S·T·A eismann offers filling and dosing pumps as optimal complements for your on-farm/small-scale cheese making. Variable funnel sizes and different inserted elements can be used for mixing and filling liquid and/or pasty products, even containing small solid fragments. They fill exact volumes of product in open containers (cans, bowls, jars, wide mouth bottle), as well as buckets, sachets, etc.