Product Overview
Combines AAF's particulate and gas-phase technologies for an AAF Total Filtration Solution
Provides highest chemical media-to-air ratio for heavily polluted environments that require air quality guarantees and optimal cost of ownership
Available with internal fan: wide range of sizes and combination of AAF Filtration technologies
Offers the best flexibility and control to adapt to changes in the environment
Typical Applications
Pulp & Paper
Oil & Gas Transmission
Waste Water Treatment
Waste Management
Data Centers
Typical Applications
SAAF™ Deep Bed Scrubbers are used in mission critical and industrial applications around the world. Suitable for the most challenging applications where heavy particulate and Airborne Molecular Contaminant loading is anticipated, our SAAF Deep Bed Scrubber is ideal for high concentration applications such as:
Pulp & Paper
Oil and Gas
Wastewater Operations
Garbage Depots
Incineration Plants
Wet Wells
Process Areas
Emergency Safe Rooms
Data Centers
Other Highly Polluted Environments