Access can adapt all door components, both for manual and automatic doors, in order to meet customer requirements in terms of:
- H (height) x W(width)
- allowed door opening space
- maximum push load on movement
- machinery production cycle time
- min/max opening speed
- Safety requirements for any specific working area
Access can design and produce automatic doors for special industrial applications where maximum safety needs to be guaranteed by segregating intervention areas when the machine is running or simply by managing opening and closing of mobile guard panels during product loading or unloading operations.
Our doors can be designed and controlled by means of a pneumatic cylinder, electric motor with chain or belt transmission, or in-line unit and are fitted with the safety devices required and prescribed for mobile protections conformant with standard type B 13857 (formerly UNI EN 953).
Doors are equipped with control cabinets and can be fitted with the following optional devices: safety units, inverters for electric motor management, or radio frequency sytems which interface with the plant PLC.
All doors are supplied as semi-machines and come with a CE certification or a declaration of integration to the plant, assembly manuals, technical data sheet with list of components and technical booklet.