Achteck has upgraded the multi-purpose milling insert SD09/12 sériés. The insert is with
positive geometry for lower cutting force, and 4 cutting edges. The pressed insert is very cost-
effective. There are différent coupling types, including arbor, screw head clamping, cylindrical
shank, Weldon shank. It can be used in face milling, high feed milling and chamfer milling.
Multiple grades can be used in steel, stainless steel, cast iron and heat résistant alloy milling.
Geometry: MM4 (général purpose), MR2 (reinforced)
Positive insert with 4 cutting edges, low cutting force
Pressed insert with highly economical
Insert size: 09 and 12
Various corner radius: R0.8, R2.0, R2.5
Various Grades: AP251U, AP403M, AP351M, AP251K, AC151K,AP403S