The Pharma P&D 36-48 automatic polisher has 3 holders.
Max. 48 punches polished within 1 cycle (approx. 30-45 minutes)
Dimensions: 1000 x 2000 x 800 mm
Pharma P&D 36-48 automatic polisher is an efficient and state-of-the-art solution for optimising the polishing process and maintaining compression tooling. The machines are designed to polish the largest number of punches and dies in the shortest possible time while ensuring the highest quality and accuracy.
Pharma P&D 60-80 polisher has been designed in line with the latest engineering standards. Made of stainless steel, with a simple design and intuitive control panel, it is easy to operate and do not require high-level qualifications.
Highlights of Pharma P&D 36-48 polishing machine
Pharma P&D automatic polishing process allows to obtain the highest quality surfaces of polished compression tooling, thus extending their lifespan and preventing the most common problems with punches, such as bonding, lining or breaking tablets.
Easy to operate
With the intuitive menu, the user can easily enter precise polishing parameters such as:
•total machine operating time,
•rotation times,
•rotation speed of the polishing head.