We are a leading provider of Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Software Communications Architecture (SCA) solutions. Our Spectra product suite for radio system developers and integrators provides Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) development tools, software infrastructure and development and test platforms.
Key Features and Benefits
Faster SDR waveform development independent of radio platform
Higher productivity and quality from auto-generation of all SCA component and test code
Reduced time and expense for testing with tools supporting off target test
Lower customer and 3rd party waveform support costs with tools delivering full radio platform development environments
Rapid development of high performance, small form factor operating environments
Radio waveform development environments accelerating radio customer development efforts
Professional Service
We provide a comprehensive range of Professional Services in support of our product offerings including:
We offer a complete suite of training courses on Software Defined Radio (SDR), Software Communications Architecture (SCA) and CORBA technologies, and their implementation using PrismTech's Spectra SDR products.
We offer a full range of SDR and SCA consulting services covering both short and long-term engagements, from advisory services to full-scale development projects.
Workshops consist of short assignments, usually bundled with a training session, in which one of our SDR experts analyzes with the customer, their specific project requirements, leading to recommendations summarized in a high-level design report.