7711 Signal Conditioning System is designed with and incorporates all the features necessary for dynamic precise conditioning of strain gage and transducer inputs in the most severe operating environments.
7711 Signal Conditioning and amplifier’s low-level signals to high-level outputs for multiple channels can be simultaneously and dynamically recorded and displayed on external devices.
● Differential signal amplifier with high bandwidth up to 3MHz
● Gain Accuracy ± 0.1%
● Gain Linearity 0.01%
● Fully adjustable calibrated gain from 0.3 to 1,000
● Accepts foil type strain gage, piezoresistive, potentiometers, etc.
● Selectable bridge step excitation (16bits): 0.5 to 10V
● Manual bridge Constant-voltage adjust excitation: 0 to 15V
● High common mod voltage ±300V
● Plug-in amplifier
● Automatic bridge balance, with EEROM to preserve balance without power
● Built-in with all bridge completion including 120 or 1000 and 350 Ω dummies.
● Built-in with shunt calibration circuits
● Built-in with optically isolated shunt calibration relays
● Built-in with four-pole Bessel low-pass filter with cutoff frequencies of 10 Hz, 30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300Hz, 1k, 3k, 10k, 30k, 100kHz, 300 kHz and wide-band
● Others filter type and cut-off frequency is possible
● Front-panel monitoring: Automatic balance status