Multi-Level Pulsing and Pulse Waveform Control for Emerging Plasma Applications
Get the broadest feature set available in a pulsed-RF product. The Paramount Plus offers precise RF regulation, sophisticated pulse manipulation, and advanced data acquisition. Designed to cover an extensive range of RF energy — frequencies of 1 to 60 MHz and power levels of 1.5 to 15 kW — the Paramount Plus delivers the repeatability and reliability you require.
Paramount® Plus
Pulsed-RF Power Supplies
With multi-level pulsing, pulse waveform control, and the broadest
feature set available in a pulsed-RF product, the Paramount® Plus
platform allows you to push the boundaries of process innovation and
delivers the best value in the marketplace. Excellent plasma stability,
precise RF regulation, sophisticated pulse manipulation, and advanced
data acquisition provide the extreme latitude in plasma control required
for next-generation nodes.
Precise RF and pulse control
Enhanced plasma stability and process repeatability
Fast response to plasma changes
Flexibility and adaptability for advancing manufacturing technologies