The Optima Signal Conditioner is an essential component of the Optima Human Performance System, a revolutionary force measurement system that offers a 10-fold improvement in accuracy over any force platform system on the market.
This signal conditioner works exclusively with Optima Force Plates and Optima Precision Calibration files to provide levels of accuracy never before seen in force platform systems:
Average COP accuracy of just a fraction of a millimeter (typically less than 0.2)
Crosstalk values typically ±0.05% of applied load
Measurement accuracy typically ±0.1% of applied load*
State-of-the-art signal conditioning
1 kHz anti-aliasing filters, oversampling, and digital signal processing
Fully calibrated and NIST-traceable
Tested to medical-grade standards for safety, essential performance, and electro-magnetic compatibility
Intuitive and easy to use
Fully software configurable
Automatic balancing of strain gage bridges initiated by front-panel button or by software
Multiple Optima Signal Conditioners automatically synchronize data sampling