The AMI model 1000RS portable analyzer is the industry standard analyzer for spot checking and trouble-shooting trace oxygen in gas systems. Its elegant design allows it to take a rapid reading of trace oxygen in a gas sample without long waits for stability or the danger of damaging its sensor through incorrect operation.
Trace oxygen analyzers are essentially leak detectors. Portable trace oxygen analyzers have the additional requirement that they should not be affected while being connected and disconnected to systems using tubing that - to begin with - is full of the very oxygen the analyzer is supposed to measure. If a trace oxygen sensor is exposed to air for any length of time, it will take a long time to recover back to a low reading, and if it is exposed to air repeatedly, its life will be affected and its response will get progressively worse.
The AMI 1000RS uses a special version of the AMI patented “Cell Block” specifically modified to deal with these problems. All of the sample system components and the oxygen sensor are mounted in a single metal block, with drilled passages connecting them. As a result, the inevitable vibration and disturbance involved in using a portable analyzer cannot break loose any fittings and the total volume of the sample system is kept to a minimum. There is a special 4-way sample selection valve built in to the block that seals off the sensor when not in use, while allowing the sample to bypass the sensor through the needle valve and flowmeter.