These products can be used for cutting various construction materials like reinforced concrete, bricks, tiles and stones. Laser welding process ensures that dry cutting is more safe, efficient and eco-protection.
A range of high-performance laser welded blades,advanced laser welding technology and high tensile steel cores guarantees the safety and cutting performance. Available qualities of economic-standard-premium satisfy all the cutting requirements. Perfectly fitting all petrol, hydraulic or electric saws.
Typical Applications
Typical applications are as below:
• The 105 mm – 230 mm blades are recommended for angle grinders, tables saws and portable saws;
• The 300 mm – 600 mm blades are suitable for power cutters, table saws and low power roads saws;
• The 600 mm – 1200 mm blades are well suitable for cutting with wall saws and high-power road saws. Best choice for civil construction or building demolition.