The CompuWatch shutdown and UPS management software provide automation in data processing. It has been developed in client/server technology for homogenous and heterogeneous networks in order to shut down the server and computers (both hardware and operating systems) in a reliable manner.
Attention macOS users:
From macOS 10.15 onwards CompuWatch will not be supported any longer. In this case we recommend the following solutions:
Use a UPS with USB-HID as macOS 10.15 has a build-in UPS power management
Connect a SNMP adapter to the UPS and control the UPS via the network management option
Through the intelligent communication link between the UPS, the server and the existing network topology, information is forwarded by means of security mechanisms to all server and computer systems powered by the UPS. This is where the information is processed in the software modules. Phased shutdowns are possible if the software modules on the respective servers are cofigured accordingly.
All CompuWatch modules work as a service and /or backend process. Individual procedures can be launched through shellscript and/or batch programming.
With the CompuWatch client, a graphical front end for Microsoft Windows operating systems, you can monitor and control all UPS installations connected to the network. It is also possible to control the network using the scheduler.
AEG Power Solutions products provide you with a complete, one-stop-shop security solution for networks.
Main Characteristics:
Software in client / server technology
Integration in the operating system as a backend process
Supports RS232, USB and network interfaces in the UPS devices