Slot flame orifice bar burner.
Bar burners in iron steel or 804 stainless steel, tub diameters 3/4'' (27mm outside) or 1'' (34mm outside), slot flame orifices and length between 400 to 700mm. They could be used single or by several on different geometries as parallele for rectangular heating zone or star for circular heating zone.
Notified burner further the customer or the application specifications.
Outside air/ gas mixing atmospheric system, straight or with 90° elbow.
Maxi flame element length : 700mm.
For all gas types : Natural gas at 20 or 25 mbar, propane at 30,37 and 50 mbar and butane at 28 to 30mbar or 50mbar.
Specified length manufactured models : Between 200 and 700mm.
Gas safety tap mounted on the gas inlet in option.
Welding of customer brakets or supports.
Adapted for griddles, pasta cookers, rectangular tank kettles and applinaces for the catering equipment.
Stove ovens.
Pan cake cookers, fryers without cool zone pot, waffle cookers.
Large skillet open top stove.