Single Mechanical Seal
The AESSEAL CURC™, CRCO™ and CURE™ mechanical seals are part of a range of seals specifically designed to optimize the use of Silicon Carbide.
All these seals incorporate improved third generation self aligning technology. The design objective was to minimize metal to Silicon Carbide impact, particularly on start–up.
In some seal designs, impact between metal anti–rotation pins and Silicon Carbide can be sufficiently severe to induce stress cracking in the Silicon Carbide. Silicon Carbide has many advantages when used in mechanical seals. The material has superior chemical resistance, hardness and heat dissipation properties compared to practically any other material used as a mechanical seal face. Silicon Carbide is, however, brittle by nature, so the design of the self–aligning stationary in the CURC™ range of mechanical seals seeks to minimize this metal to Silicon impact on start–up.
ATEX Range Certifications
Category 2 (Zone 1/21) & Category 3 (Zone 2/22)
Self Aligning stationary face, maximizing seal life
Stationary face with radial locating pins minimizes damage in stop / start applications with viscous fluids
Quench flush and drain ports for cooling or heating options to maximize seal life
CRCO™ lip seal option
CURE™ secondary seal option
ANSI+ gland options
Bi-Metal option with exotic alloy wetted components for maximum versatility at minimum price premium
Hydraulically balanced seal face technology for reduced power consumption
Non-clogging rotaries and non shaft fretting elastomers
Multiple spring and positive set screw shaft drive
Single Seals with Environmental Control Options