SilverTape™ AM9908
This tape has a high conformable bobble foam core with LSE features. This product is a double sided high conformable acrylic based adhesive tape, which is especially designed for a variety of materials with high, medium and low surface energy like powder-coatings and coated glass. These features make this version ideal in a wide variety of applications in the automotive industry. This tape is capable of absorbing the different thermal expansions of Wo materials. This high performance tape has a very high initial tack and can be used on almost all substrates.
The coating 66 has been specifically modified to improve bonding to low surface energy substrates This modified Multipurpose adhesive tape has been specifically developed for applications where the use of a primer or adhesion promoter is not preferred.
Suitable for:
- various medium and low surlace energy plastics, silicones, teflon, powder coatings, clearcoats,
ceramic car paints*