The NEW Agilent 6560C ion mobility Q-TOF LC/MS system delivers unrivaled separation and selectivity by combining chromatography, ion mobility, and mass spectrometry. The 6560C Q-TOF LC/MS can even uncover structural information that cannot be seen with traditional LC/MS systems, including separation of in-class isomers via high-resolution demultiplexing (HRdm).
The system features innovative electrodynamic ion funnel technology to dramatically improve sensitivity while maintaining an attractive low field drift tube design. This allows you to directly measure accurate collision cross sections (CCS) and preserve labile targets. Whether you are looking to create a more comprehensive profile of metabolomics samples, characterize complex polymeric mixtures, or understand structural changes in biomolecules, ion mobility mass spectrometry provides access to new information.
First-principle based collision cross-section measurement and accuracy without standards.
Utmost separation capacity, combining UHPLC, ion mobility, and high resolution mass spectrometry.
Better separation of complex isobaric classes such as lipids and glycans.
In-depth characterization of structural conformations and isomeric compounds.
Conservation of structural fidelity of molecules in the gas phase using the low-energy drift tube design.
Multiplexing for substantially increased sensitivity and dynamic range, with enhancement of one order of magnitude.
Ion mobility resolution of up to 200 in full spectra can be achieved via postprocessing with the Agilent high resolution demultiplexing ( HRdm 2.0) software.