1. 304 Stainless Materials Temperature Humidity Environmental Chamber for Magnetic Materials to simulate test environment with different temperature and humidity
2. Cyclic test includes climatic conditions: holding test, cooling-off test, heating-up test, moistening test and drying test…
3. Cable port with flexible silicone plug for cable routing to provide the condition of test unit under operation
4. Uncover test unit weakness in a short-term test with accelerated time effect
1. High performance and quiet operation (68 dBA)
2. Space-saving designed for flush installation to wall
3. Full thermal break around doorframe
4. One 50mm diameter cable port o left, with flexible silicone plug
5. Accurate wet/dry-bulb humidity measurement system for easy maintain
1. PLC controller for test chamber
2. Step types include: ramp, soak, jump, auto-start, and end
3. RS-232 interface to connect computer for output