This pressure switch uses a smaller micro switch that has small terminals coming out the top. The Differential is lower and electrical cycle life is longer than the standard F5100 switches, however the overall amperage rating is lower.
Pressure switches apply signal pressure to a diaphragm that is opposed by a spring force. When then pressure signal force is greater than the spring force it reaches its set-point (also called “On” pressure), the internal mechanism moves and changes the electrical state.
When the switch trips, the normally open circuit closes and the normally closed circuit opens. The switch will remain in this state until the pressure signal drops below its reset point (also called “Off” pressure)
The difference between the “On” pressure and the “Off” pressure is defined as the Differential or Hysteresis of the switch. This is an important characteristic for applications such as pressure switch-controlled compressor systems. For instance, the consumption and capacity of the system along with the differential of the switch will determine how often the compressor runs.
Factory preset options are available. Please contact your salesperson or distributor for specifications and a custom part number.
Adjustments can be made to the switch by removing the round cover and turning the flat head screw. Clockwise adjustments will raise the Set point. Counter clockwise adjustments will lower the setpoint (on pressure). Adjusting preset switches is not recommended. Do not back out the flat head screw above flush with the body.