The hospital grade XJ-2 unit quickly and easily converts ordinary patient care rooms into negative pressure isolation rooms or airborne infection isolation rooms. The XJ-2 is HEPA-filtered and available from Air Quality Engineering. This air filtration system complies with the above guidance from the CDC.
Call Air Quality Engineering at 1-888-883-3273 for pricing and shipping information.
For air purification, the XJ-2 is a quiet medical-grade room HEPA air cleaner that is suitable for airborne infection isolation rooms (AIIR), hospitals, medical facilities, extended-care facilities, nursing homes and institutional use. This portable unit is also a great unit for asthma patient rooms. The XJ-2 air filtration system is independently lab tested and certified as a whole air cleaner to a minimum of 99.97% efficiency. This is especially important as simply installing a HEPA air filter into an air cleaner cabinet can not guarantee HEPA performance as penetrations into the air cleaner cabinet, leaks around doors and the integrity of the HEPA seal itself must all be taken into consideration and tested to guarantee performance. Replacement filters and parts for the XJ-2 are also available. Make sure to ask whether the air cleaner was HEPA tested as a whole before purchasing!
The XJ-2 Negative Pressure HEPA unit provides isolation capability in urgent circumstances. This highly portable self-contained model is designed to minimize floor space utilization, be adaptable to other enhanced air filtration needs with the optional recirculation plenum and can be utilized in special positive pressure applications.