4”, MERV 14
Holds 2X more dust with 100% synthetic, exclusive, blue media with our LoadTech Embossed Design
Longer filter life and fewer filter change-outs with higher dust holding capacity
12" filter performance in a 4" filter
Cost savings – reduced energy costs with low pressure drop and low energy consumption
Simplified handling and easy installation –plus reduced storage space, less weight and lower shipping costs
Completely incinerable with high impact plastic frame
Earn points toward LEED Certification
All Legacy 4" MERV 14 filters are now better than ever! Still manufactured with our proprietary E-pleat®
Technology, these filters now have new and improved media!
• Holds 2X more dust with new, exclusive media with our LoadTech
Embossed Design
• Longer filter life and fewer filter change-outs with higher dust
holding capacity
• 12" filter performance in a 4" filter
• High efficiency – MERV 14
• Cost savings – reduced energy costs with low pressure drop and low
energy consumption
• Simplified handling and easy installation –
plus reduced storage space, less weight and
lower shipping costs
• Earn points toward LEED Certification
Product Features
• E-pleat Technology allows for smooth airflow,
even loading and complete utilization of the media
• 100% synthetic, exclusive blue media
• Completely incinerable with high impact plastic frame
• Lightweight construction