The SMI200 is a compact symbolic operator panel with control logic. It is designed for displaying and editing textual and digital parameters of a system and can be used in harsh operating conditions alongside programmable relays, controllers, or input/output modules connected via an RS-485 network.
The SMI200 comes equipped with an RS-485 interface for device control over the network or data transmission to the upper level. The device programming is carried out using akYtec ALP programming software over micro-USB.
The SMI200 enables control and regulation of indoor or outdoor lighting, heating, ventilation, and pumps as well as roller shutters and doors.
Thanks to its cylindrical design, the SMI200 can easily be integrated into a standard 22.5 mm mounting cutout in a control panel or at a control cabinet door. Besides simplifying the installation and saving some space in the control cabinet, this solution improves the usability of the main PLC. There is no need to open the control cabinet door to operate the main unit or read parameters on display.
The SMI200 goes without any digital/analog inputs and outputs, yet it features an RS485 interface as an alternative, which makes the device exceptionally compact. Moreover, it provides freedom of choice for I/O points to flexibly meet various requirements of an automation task in question.
A control system with the SMI200 as the base unit can be expanded if needed. Any required combination of up to 16 I/O modules (e.g., our Mx110 Series) can be connected to the SMI200 over the RS485 interface via Modbus. In this Modbus network, the SMI200 can act as the Master or as a Slave device.