Alapont Logistics Solutions industrial platforms are designed to lift loads from 150 kg to 3,000 kg with one column, and from 3,000 kg to 5,000 kg with 2 columns. In addition, there are models that incorporate an inverted chassis that allows both the platform and its guides to be flush with the last floor level.
All the industrial forklifts are manufactured under European directive 98/371/CE and applicable national standards. Types of industrial platforms: scissor tables,1 or 2 columns, and custom-made.
Custom-made industrial platforms
When standard platforms are not able to meet the requirements that certain jobs require 100%, or they are not the most appropriate to perform certain functions because of their characteristics and design, we design and build custom-made industrial platforms.
Since they fit into the existing space, no construction work needs to be carried out, which means a great financial and labour saving as there is no need to virtually paralyse production.