Our range of oil absorbent filter cartridges have been developed for applications requiring removal of hydrocarbons from water as a polishing filter after coalescing or following other bulk removal methods. It is recommended for applications with <500ppm total hydrocarbons, and has a retention of 99%.
Oil absorbent cartridges are constructed from an impregnated media consisting of fibres that have a unique coating thermally bonded within the structure.
Using the standard media, flow is not effected and no hydrocarbons are released. The filter media will absorb 3 times its weight before change out is required. As an option, our ‘Plus’ media will build up a differential pressure and flow will be reduced as the cartridge absorbs hydrocarbons.
Alternatively, our ‘Block’ media forms an instant barrier when in contact with hydrocarbons, and can be used for final stage oil removal where no oil in water monitors are present.
Available 9 ¾” to 60” length.
Standard O.D. 70mm. (Optional large 116mm diameter). I.D. 27.5mm.
Standard construction is with a polypropylene core.
Available with industry standard end caps.
O-rings for end caps include Nitrile, EPDM, Silicone, Viton, PTFE encapsulated Viton, PTFE encapsulated Silicone.
Stainless steel core and caps available for more demanding applications.
Maximum operating temperature 80o
Food grade version available.