Sr(x)Ba(1-x)Nb2O6 SBN:75, SBN:61
Melting point, °C 1470 - 1490
Molecular weigth, g-mol 381.854 (SBN:75), 388.813 (SBN:61)
Symmetry 4 mm
Curie temperature, °C 56 (SBN:75), 80 (SBN:61)
Pyroellectric coefficient 0.28 μC x cm^-2 x K^-1 (SBN:75)
0.065 μC x cm^-2 x K^-1 (SBN:61)
Nominally pure and doped by Ce, Cr, Co, Fe SBN crystals (SBN:61, SBN:75) of different compositions are used in elecro-optics, acousto-optics, photorefractive non-linear optics. A new growing technique (Stepanov Method) provides excellent optical quality single crystals, free of growth striations, inclusions and other inhomogeneities, as well as definite cross section and linear dimensions up to 80 mm.
SBN crystalline elements meet the requirements for different applications. Based on this unique crystal growing technique, large high quality SBN optical elements and photorefractive cells are available.
Special dopants Ce, Cr, Co, Ni, La, Tm, Yb, Nd Ce+La, Ce+Ti, Ce+Cr.