The 434 is a process loop calibrator, manufactured by Altek Industries Corp. This product has the ability to produce an unequaled combination of laboratory accuracy, simplicity and comfort. It has 0.005mA from 4 to 20mA accuracy, including 0 to 24mA Source, mA Meter, 2-wire Transmitter Simulator and DC volt meter in a single compact unit.
It is equipped with powers loop or HART transmitter Drives 1200Ohm loop loads. It features an optional built-in 250Ohm resistors so that it is compatible with HART transmitters and communicators. This contains automatic switches output in 2,3,5 or 10 steps from five seconds to 15 minutes. Automatic ramp and soak to simple stroke valves or simulate a process also have this product. Lastly, the 434 is attached with output checks valve and actuator openings and closings.