Video surveillance is vital and irreplaceable for security professionals. Having a complete and precise idea of a situation provides a clear advantage when time is short and decisions need to be taken.
Because they can easily lift surveillance kind cameras while being able to move to a subject or remain in stationary state, drones have quickly been introduced to security missions. Indeed, they offer real-time aerial view of a situation at reasonable cost.
Quick aerial viewpoint
Thanks to its technical characteristics and performance, the FOX-C8 XT Observer is the ultimate tool for performing long surveillance and security monitoring missions from the sky. It is a powerful and efficient system, built to operate in demanding weather conditions. As a matter of fact, it has been successfully tested under rain and with a continuous wind of 30 Km/h average.
The FOX-C8 XT Observer is a professional, robust and versatile system, embedding a dual camera gimbal offering both day and night vision. With a powerful zoom (up to 40x), it allows to identify subjects at more than 2 Km of distance. The infrared camera allows to operate in night time or low visibility environment.