Compact and robust Automated Band Saws for production operation. Versatile for full-, mold- materials and bundle cuts.
Quick approach bar
■ Completely automatic changeover fromrapid feed to feed
■ Reduction of the cycle timesDETAILS
NC controller
Enables preselection of different cut-off lengths and piece counts.
■ Adjustment of the band speed
■ DisplayBundle clamping unitEnables the sawing of materialin a bundle.
The bundle clamping unit
is connected to the hydraulic circuitof the machine using quick-releasecouplings.
Chip conveyor
■ Hydraulically driven chip conveyor withbuffer zone
■ Optimum separation of chips and coolant
Cutting accuracy monitoring
High process reliability due to cuttingaccuracy monitoring. In the case ofdeviations – also for the length feeder – themachine switches off automatically.
Automatic zero stopper
Automatic positioning of thematerial to be sawn.The material is positioned exactlyusing the rear vice.