Block Band Saws are suitable for precise cutting of blocks, boards and molded parts.
Vertical bandsaw machine for cutting materials of each kind:Blocks, tubular parts, mould material – single-pieces or in a bundle.This metal band saw is applied as long cut saw for small lots and singlepieces. The positioning of workpieces is extraoridnarily easy and exactwith the aid of a laser lamp. The clamping on the hydraulically moveabletable works even smoothly with bulky work-pieces. Large plates cansmoothly be aligned to adjustable end stops with an integrated strokeand conveying device.
Standard equipment
■ Speed monitoring
■ Automatic stop and positioning system
■ Feed control
■ Material desk
■ Adjustment of cutting length
■ Plane-parallelism control
■ Laser device
■ Chip conveyor
■ Cut performance display
■ Signal lamp
■ Stroke and positioning unit (for positioning large plates)
■ Driven chip brush