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Micro temperature sensor
insertionwirelessbuilt-in transmitter

micro temperature sensor
micro temperature sensor
micro temperature sensor
micro temperature sensor
micro temperature sensor
micro temperature sensor
micro temperature sensor
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Electrical connection
built-in transmitter
Other characteristics
compact, micro

Max.: 60 °C
(140 °F)

Min.: 10 °C
(50 °F)

Response time

30 s


loca­ti­on-inde­pen­dent‭, ‬ful­ly self-sus­tained‭,‬ mini­ma­li­zed micro­sen­sors for an acce­le­ra­ted and more effec­ti­ve pro­cess development •Effi­ci­en­cy gains in pro­cess pre­pa­ra­ti­on through wire­less systems •Easy par­al­le­liza­ti­on of mea­su­re­ments in mul­ti­ple ves­sels by a gateway •Red­un­dant mea­su­re­ments increase pro­cess safety •Mini­mal pro­cess inter­fe­rence leads to repro­du­ci­b­le results •Mea­su­re­ment inde­pen­dent from ves­sel geo­me­try and volume‭ ‬ •Acce­le­ra­tes rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment pro­ces­ses‭; ‬whe­ther in a shaking flask with a few mil­li­li­ters or in a 200-liter wave bag reactor wireless‭ ‬recharging rep­le­nish for‭ ‬mul­ti­ple use flow following even­ly dis­tri­bu­tes in your reac­tion syste bioinert gene­ra­te data‭ ‬wit­hout inter­fe­ring‭ ‬with your system highly parallelised up to 24‭ ‬Sens-o-Sphe­res‭ ‬per mea­su­re­ment system‭ online data wire­less and‭ ‬online trans­mis­si­on‭ ‬of pro­cess data compact design tem­pe­ra­tu­re acqui­si­ti­on‭ ‬on the size of a cher­ry pit
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.