4650-PM provides the stable, accurate low-range measurement of particulate matter in stacks and ducts where water droplets are not present in the flue gas.
Consisting of a stack-mounted probe and separate control unit, 4650-PM’s forward scattering laser measurement detects particulate matter at low concentrations. This enables closer emissions control, with a more accurate measurement than similar PM monitoring systems.
Maximum measurement stability is achieved through an advanced optical system with a lower angle of incidence than competing systems, resulting in a lower detection limit, while the optics are fixed for measurement reliability.
Ideally suited for use in combustion processes located after the baghouse or electrostatic precipitator, 4650-PM is ideally suited for use in the power generation, glass, industrial boilers, speciality metals and pulp & paper industries.
Meeting US-EPA Performance Specification 11 (PS-11), 4650-PM is suited for users who need to comply with US EPA rules including MATS and Boiler MACT.
4650-PM is controlled via a simple control unit that includes a user interface for power, plus alarm contacts, 24V input, digital inputs, 4-20 mA output, RS232/485 and Data Bus. A multi-controller unit is also available, offering control of up to 4 devices.
With the low angle forward-scatter measurement reducing sensitivity to particle size, 4650-PM gives a highly sensitive measurement ranging from 0.01 to 200 mg/m3, in temperatures up to 500 °C (930 °F).