The 5812 moisture analyzer is designed specifically to meet the needs of the natural gas industry for reliable, low-maintenance, self-verifying moisture analysis, with a rapid response to moisture changes.
A combination of quartz crystal sensing and asymmetrical sampling provides the rugged, reliable and continuous performance demanded by natural gas moisture analysis, and ensures a long sensor lifespan.
Wet sample gas is passed over the quartz crystal sensor, followed by dried sample gas – the difference in wet and dry performance of the crystal is proportional to the sample moisture level.
With this continuous cycling between wet and dry samples ensuring that it is constantly ready to respond to moisture changes, the 5812 is designed specifically to measure moisture for the natural gas industry.
Unique asymmetrical sensing technology limits the exposure of the sensing element to potentially dirty natural gas to about 5% of each ten-minute measurement period. For the remaining time, clean gas clears contaminants and protects the sensor, delivering exceptional sensor life.
The 5812 is calibrated from 1 to 1000 parts per million by volume (ppmv) and provides trend indication above the calibrated range. Alternative output in pounds per million cubic feet is standard.
Data is provided by a RS485 digital interface and two fully programmable 4-20 mA analog outputs, with multiple programmable alarms to monitor both process conditions and analyzer performance. The RS485 allows remote monitoring or troubleshooting of an unattended 5812.