The HiGee technology (high-gravity) utilizes centrifugal forces to overcome the limitations of traditional packed columns and at the same time reveals unique process features. A major advantage of this technology is the greatly increased mass transfer rate as well as the enhanced micro-mixing. Reactions with limited dwell time as well as extremely fast reactions can be maintained under controlled conditions easily inside the RPB centrifuge. Additional advantages are the smaller dimensions of the unit, which lead to lower capital, installation, and operating costs. Completely new fields of application are opened up with this technology, such as mobile plants, high-pressure plants, and processing of viscous media. Industrially proven examples of the application of RPB technology are the production process for hypochlorous acid, or absorption processes like SO2 or H2S removal. ANDRITZ Separation has designed and delivered the world’s largest RPB installation – a set of four RPBs for DOW Chemicals.
Strengths, benefits, features
Highest conversion yields, optimized mass transfer rates, due to:
Very high specific surface
Very thin liquid films
Optimized micro-mixing
Fewer by-products due to:
Shortest possible contact time
Absolutely uniform contact times
Reduction of capital and operating costs because of:
Smaller installation footprint and height
Less material of construction (particularly important for Hastelloy or Titanium)
Less liquid transfer
Reduced pressure drop
Simple and short start-up and shutdown routines