The useful life of the products and their components could be affected by solicitations received during the packaging phase, transportation and depot operations which could determine a failure caused by arising defects not visible in the production phase. Moreover, the environment in which the products «operate» is affected by sudden temperature variations, which often generate quality problems. ACS, thanks to its wide experience, has developed a huge range of products to test different type of specimen on different application fields, to detect future defects and to verify the specimen behaviour under controlled temperature and humidity variations.
ES-Environmental Screening series
The Discovery “ES” series now has even more environmental performance, whilst maintaining the same footprint and volume of the lower specification versions. Discovery “ES” has been designed for Environmental Stress and is ideal for reliability growth processes where temperature changing rate of 5 Degrees a minute are required. All of the chambers in the “ES” range are equipped with air condensers, except for the 340 l model where water condensation is required to maintain a compact foot print.
• T -40/+180°C: DM340 (T) ES, DM600 (T) ES, DM1200 (T) ES
• T -75/+180°C: DM340 C (T) ES, DM600 C (T) ES, DM1200 C (T) ES