Tested and certified as a protector Type 2+3 according to the standard EN IEC 61643-11.
Suitable for Categories I, II, III, IV according to ITC-BT-23.
Compact multi-pole protection.
Both common and differential protection.
Coordinable with protectors of series ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD and ATSUB.
Short response time.
Does not produce deflagration.
Their activation causes no interruption in power supply.
Thermodynamic control device.
Voltage-free contact for the remote control.
ATCOVER series protectors have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards.
Certificated tests according to EN IEC 61643-11.
Complies with requirements of UL 1449.
Relevant standards: NF C 17102, UNE 21186, EN IEC 62305.
Products compliant with EC requirements.