High corrosion resistance
Short processing time
Lighter than metallic materials
Non-visible fire protection
Sealing elements are not required
High impact strength
Processing even at temperatures below 0 °C
What can AQUATHERM RED do?
aquatherm red is the first plastic sprinkler pipe system certified by VDS Schadenverhütung GmbH, Europe's largest institute for corporate safety. The material used, fusiolen PP-R FS, was developed for the special requirements of sprinkler systems. aquatherm red offers a high level of safety due to its flame-retardant properties and its corrosion resistance, which saves resources and protects the environment. The pipe and fitting welding also ensures a tight connection.
The aquatherm PP-R piping systems fulfil the requirements of building material class B1 DIN 4102-1.
How can AQUATHERM RED be processed?
aquatherm pipes and fittings are connected by heat fusion, which creates a homogeneous, cohesive unit with no leak paths. Heat fusion connections are stronger than the pipe itself, providing lasting safety at these critical points of a piping system. A properly executed aquatherm fusion creates a permanent leakproof connection.