Full web HMI client
HTML5 devices compliant
Responsive design graphic rendering for optimized analysis
No specific development - reduced deployment costs
WebVue is a built-in HTML5 Scada web client providing a graphic interface to monitor and control your process from any device.
WebVue uses a regular web browser and an internet or intranet network to provide remote display and control of your processes. A user with appropriate user rights (user name and password) is able to access the PcVue SCADA application from anywhere on the network. WebVue is independent of the operating system platform as it runs in a web browser and it displays PcVue mimics directly without requiring any modification to them.
Communication between the PcVue Web Server and the WebVue client uses Microsoft IIS technology and the enterprise firewall jointly to manage security. The WebVue client is continually refreshed and the data are exchanged either via HTTPS.