ASC’s Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is a 6-axis system that measures linear and angular motion using a combination of gyroscopes and accelerometers. ASC MEMS IMU 7.x.y incorporates an assortment of precision inertial sensors, including a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope. The IMU thus outputs raw acceleration and rotation rate signals, which could be integrated to obtain the actual position and orientation.
ASC IMU 7.x.y incorporates either the ASC LN series (Low-Noise) accelerometers or the ASC MF series (Medium-Frequency) accelerometers, featuring an acceleration range from ±2g to ±50g. IMU 7.x.y features MEMS vibrating ring gyros with a rate range from ±75°/s to ±900°/s. The user can configure the IMU choosing from a wide range of acceleration and rotation rate ranges.
The IMU is light-weight, has a low power consumption and a wide temperature range.