ENTMAG-T tunnel demagnetizers enable simple and fast demagnetization of ferromagnetic small and large-number parts. The work piece is moved through the inner space of the tunnel by hand, chute or free fall. Demagnetizing is terminated only after leaving the plate at a distance of appr. 300mm. The work pieces are recommended to be demagnetized one by one. Clusters are to be avoided.
- Preferred for demagnetization of small and large-number parts.
- The penetration depth into the work piece amounts to appr. 6mm. The layer thickness
with large-number parts must not exceed 6 mm.
- Robust, humidity-proof design
- Type 163: Suitable for work pieces made of soft material. Type 164: Suitable for work
pieces made of medium hard material. Special: High-grade hardened, intricate parts
are recommended to be tried out before.
- All operating voltages at 50Hz or 60Hz are deliverable (lower frequency or pulse
recurrence frequency for problematic cases).
- All effective widths NB are deliverable from 150 to 800 mm.
- Demagnetization can penetrate deeper than 0.5 mT (5 Gauss). Test: Iron filings must not
adhere on the work piece.